Thursday, June 10, 2010

Gracie Pendell Jones Diamond

Janelle Erlichman Diamond --> Allison Pendell Jones: apparently milo told ms. jamie that he is "marrying gracie." so, better be ready for a jumbo-tron proposal at our july game.

Allison Pendell Jones --> Janelle Erlichman Diamond: I just told gracie and she said, "for real?" And I said yes. And she smiled. And is now singing "gracie and milo"

Allison Pendell Jones --> Janelle Erlichman Diamond: Move over Jackson Bear..tonight at bedtime, gracie had me read Hansel and Gretle as "Milo and Gracie" and that has always been Jackson's slot!


Unknown said...

Pendell Jones Diamond has a nice ring to it! Didn't think our last name could sound more like a law firm, apparently I was wrong :)

Unknown said...

we just love all that u send
we just wish we were c;loser to help & be w/ the kiddies - we miss them so much -- ron-janelle u both look love dovey together
love mom-dadddyo