Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Written by an Amazed Mommy Who Can't Believe Her 5 Month Old is Sleeping Through the Night

The last two nights—while your brother is at Camp Poppy—you've been sleeping in the crib. Sunday night you went until 5 AM, mommy plugged you, and you went back until 7:30. Last night Anna put you down at 6:30 and you went until 6 AM this morning. Ate. Played. Snacked at 7:30 and went back to sleep. I'm liking this—alot. What to do when your brother comes home? Put him in a bed? Put you in a pack-n-play? Get a new crib??

Update from Camp Poppy


Milo was a very good boy last night. After you left he took his new water pistol into the bathtub and took a 10 minute bath-and made sure to squirt both of us. After we dried him and got him into his PJs he watched the trains for 10 minutes. Then we went upstairs to read him some books. I put him into the crib and held his hand for a few minutes. I told him I had to go downstairs to check on Molly and he just said to leave the door open, which I did. When I came back up in 10 minutes he was asleep.

He woke up twice calling "Grandma". I just went in and told him to go back to sleep and he did. He woke up around 7 AM this morning. He lay in bed with Poppy watching TV and reading books. I changed his diaper and then took him downstairs for breakfast (scrambled egg, cheese, bread and butter, apple and juice. We got him dressed and he went to the gym with Poppy. He went to the Walkersville park kiddie playground and then ate lunch at 5 Guys. He came home and took a nap. Dad was going to let him play in the little pool (where he would not leave him alone for a moment because we know he could drown in 1 inch of water) if the weather was OK.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

4:14 AM

Ready for the itch to stop and the sleep to begin.

She Loves to Spoon

Willa & Jane 4/09

Willa & Brennan 6/09

Friday, June 26, 2009

Milo + Millen

I'd love to be a fly on the wall at school and watch these two interact. They are apparently the best of buds at school. They are both quiet, sweet boys.

School's Out for Summer, Well a Week

Milo's school held a summer party and graduation for the two Baltimore Montessori schools. There was cake, pony rides, face painting, musician, lots of friends, and great weather. School's now out for a week. Milo mostly ignored his friends, refused to ride the pony, refused to get his hand painted (that's mommy's arm with the snake), fell off the swing, ate two cupcakes, and had a ball.

Cradle Cap & Beyond

So, after a trip to the pediatrician's office ($25) and the dermatologist ($35) we learned that the yucky, itchy rash on your face and head is Seborrheic Dermatitis ... which is like cradle cap extended. So, we now have a steroid cream ($10) and our hope that tonight we all sleep.

DBFA Pool Party

Patterson Park pool, Chipotle, sunshine. Not a bad way to spend a Tuesday evening.

Satellite Office

Dough Dough

Pizza Daddy

Strawberry & Cheese

Pool Eye View

Owl & Elephant

Mommy/Kid Date Day

B&O Railroad Museum

Your Hair Looks Like Curly Q Pasta

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Grease Monkey

Post-cradle cap bath, as directed, I slathered you in Aquafor—all over your head and your face since you are itching like a crazy banchee. You are one greased up kid. Your hair is slick and sticky, your face shiny and soft ... you're like a Twinkie that got left to long in the hot sun.


What you need most morning.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Milo Currently Reading

Mommies Say Shhhh!—you help with all the animal sounds

Carl Goes Shopping—you say "CawGoShopping"

My Truck is Stuck!—a mommy fave because you can basically read the entire book and I love how you say mechanic (meckhanic.)

Where the Wild Things Are—you call it the dinosaur book and know the last line, "and it was still hot."

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Saturday, June 20, 2009


What you've taken to calling me. I love it. Said in your sweet voice. Maaammmaaa.

Why I Love You

Today when I came down you said, "Mommy, you look pretty. Willa look pretty too."

Teacher's Pet

Today we had our parent/teacher conference with Miss Gaby and Miss Marcia. We made the mistake of bringing Milo with us. Of course he didn't want to play in the other classroom. He wanted to stay with us and make us crazy (dump out the baby bag, annoy Willa) while we tried to talk to the teachers. But what we did learn was:

*Milo knows a bunch of letters—he can recognize them and say their sound

*He wants to show all his artwork to daddy

*He pees on the potty with the big kids

*His best friend at school is someone named Millen Potter

*He's really good at intricate things like gluing sequins onto a snake picture

So much we didn't know. As someone said, this is just the start of not knowing what is going on in your kid's life.

Friday, June 19, 2009

A Milestone

Today is our first parent/teacher conference.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Triple Threat

You pooped three times yesterday, a Willa record.

Why I Love You

Your wet, open mouth kisses, lady.

When Marla Came to Town

Marla & Stacey came to meet sweet Baby Jane ...

Rainbow Begets Rainbow

Milo Free

Mommy, daddy & Willa spent a lovely 24 hours Milo-free while Milo spent a lovely 24 hours mommy, daddy & Willa-free. Here's what we did without the boy: dinner, Charm City Roller Derby, Polish festival, brunch at Clementine's, Hon Fest.