Sunday, September 21, 2008



Of taping together your Milo-size shopping cart with masking tape so we wouldn't have to spend $16 on another one.

Monday, September 15, 2008

We're Moving to the Beach

OK, not really. But Milo spent the weekend in Rehoboth and slept in Saturday, Sunday and Monday morning. Saturday night - grandma and poppy spent the evening with Milo so mommy and daddy could have a quiet dinner and go to a movie. They put Milo down around 9:30 and we didn't hear a peep from him until almost 9 the next morning. It was heaven.

Word Play

Milo now says: grandma, poppy, choo-choo train, sit down, airplane, apple juice, I see you. Honestly, he repeats almost EVERYTHING we saw to him these days!

Cute Baby D

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Lucky 22

This week we have a 22 month old and we're 22 weeks pregnant. Cool.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Your First Cheesesteak

Sesame Street Place

Two weekends ago we took you to Sesame Street Place. You played, napped, cried, ate and had the time of your life. Your buddy Marin and her family were there too. She was a little more of a daredevil, but you truly loved the Big Bird Nest and the water and the parade. You were a little starstruck around Elmo.


Meesh, you can say most of your A-B-C's (with help) and can almost spell your name.

Passed Out

(This was Labor Day Weekend when all your grandparents wore you out.)

Haircut #3

Juice box = sitting still long enough for Leah to get your curls under control. Now we can see your gorgeous face!

When One Just Won't Do

Storyville rocks!

No better place to spend a wet Saturday afternoon. (That's Cooper in the second picture.) Milo loved the trains and boat.

Lucky Boy

Anna & Her Babies

Some GREAT pics from our lovely Anna.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Chip & Dip

Whenever I offer a chip to Milo he asks, "Hummus?"

The kid also eats olives with roasted red peppers and sun-dried tomatoes. A palette fit for his name.

Monday, September 1, 2008

A Milo Conversation

Daddy: Milo did you have breakfast today?
Milo: Nooo.
Daddy: Did you spend the day with Anna and Marin?
Milo: Nooo.
Daddy: Milo, is Finley your dog?
Milo: Nooo.
Daddy: Did mommy just make you dinner?
Milo: Nooo.

At least he's consistent.

Baby D2 @ 19 Weeks

Two weeks ago (08/21/08) we got a glimpse at Milo's baby sibling. (S)he was moving around a ton and putting his (sorry, a habit of mine) fingers in his ears and sticking out his thumb like he was trying to hitch a ride out of mommy's womb. We saw the heart, kidneys, spine, and other vital organs. At one point the baby had his legs over his head like some 13-year old gymnast. The doc said everything looked "perfect" which is always a relief to hear. We've been feeling the babe move around. And now at 21 weeks (today) realize we're at the halfway point. Crazy.

Name Game

FINALLY. After weeks and weeks and weeks of asking you (see previous blogs,) tonight when daddy questioned you in the tub and said, "What's your name?" you answered back: "I'm Meeshy." Not only is this the cutest answer possible—it just proves your exceptional smartness.