Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Update from Camp Poppy

Milo had fun last night. He spent some of the afternoon in his new pool He rode "his" tricycle and "his" scooter-of course I was an active participant as Dad was at the Ashwals. He ate all his dinner which included Annie's shells in cheddar cheese sauce, turkey, olives, grapes,.....He visited our neighbors, he played with his "map" and little cars and big animals. Finally, he took a bath and had fun spraying me with his water gun. We read some books and then I put him in his crib. Once there he wanted me to hold his hand and tell him a story. I did. He wanted another story. I did. He wanted another story-I told him that was the last story in his crib and after the story I went downstairs and he went to sleep.

I just got to work. Milo only woke up once last night. He slept until 8 AM? I am not sure-I left to walk the dogs at 7:40 AM and he was still asleep. Dad was awake waiting for him to wake up. He had his usual breakfast and is now out on the deck playing with his trains, houses and his new Little People car carrier truck. He was last seen putting his cars into the truck. We are meeting for lunch at the playground on Ft Detrick-they have nice shady pavilions right next to the playground where we will have chicken nuggets etc for lunch. Dad and I will have a Subway sandwich. This morning he wanted to watch Thomas the Tank Engine instead of Bob the Builder or Dora while he ate his breakfast.

Glad Willa likes his crib-we would be glad to get Milo a bed! I am ignoring your comments about keeping him for an extra week-not sure if I have the strength. Of course Milo might like to watch Rocky rip the bathroom apart on Thursday.


beth said...

it sounds like he is having SO much fun, he's not going to want to come home. im glad he's spending time with the grandparents but you can send him here for a week next!

Milomamma said...

when he's a little older ... he's being shipped to Camp Coco Glenn!

nina said...

what IS it with sleeping until 8 at the grandparents house??!! E is the same way.