Thursday, October 8, 2009

You The Milo

Your new game is to play mommy/baby. I play "the Milo" and you are the mommy. You sit in the rocking chair and read me books (this involves you turning the pages of the book and then saying "the end" at the end), telling me to "close my eyes" and having me "lay" in your bed. (Though I only perch on the side because I'm not sure of the weight limit.) You turn out the lights and I yell out annoying ... I mean Milo things ... like: "leave the door open" and "turn the light on" and "one more kiss" and you act exasperated at my demands. Tonight you hid in the door for like three minutes to spy on me and make sure my eyes were closed. You learn well.

1 comment:

beth said...

this is so cute, i want to play!