Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Update from Camp Poppy


Milo was a very good boy last night. After you left he took his new water pistol into the bathtub and took a 10 minute bath-and made sure to squirt both of us. After we dried him and got him into his PJs he watched the trains for 10 minutes. Then we went upstairs to read him some books. I put him into the crib and held his hand for a few minutes. I told him I had to go downstairs to check on Molly and he just said to leave the door open, which I did. When I came back up in 10 minutes he was asleep.

He woke up twice calling "Grandma". I just went in and told him to go back to sleep and he did. He woke up around 7 AM this morning. He lay in bed with Poppy watching TV and reading books. I changed his diaper and then took him downstairs for breakfast (scrambled egg, cheese, bread and butter, apple and juice. We got him dressed and he went to the gym with Poppy. He went to the Walkersville park kiddie playground and then ate lunch at 5 Guys. He came home and took a nap. Dad was going to let him play in the little pool (where he would not leave him alone for a moment because we know he could drown in 1 inch of water) if the weather was OK.


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