Monday, June 1, 2009

Sick Day

Milo will miss his first day of school tomorrow. He has an ear infection (right ear) and swollen tonsils ... poor baby. We were going to call Dr. W anyway about his snoring and open mouth breathing (both relatively new developments) but instead saw her for this. We go back in two weeks to talk about the other stuff. The thing about Milo is, even when he's sick, he wants to play and run and go outside. He's not a lay in bed and chill kind of kid. (What a shocker.) Milo likes to be sick because he LOVES taking medicine. ("My medicine mommy.") No dye-free Tylenol for this kid. He likes his medicine in bright hues (orange, pink, red.)


beth said...

ekk feel better milo! hope he gets to watch some wonder pets

Staci said...

My kids are the exact same way. In fact, they sometimes even fake tummy aches for the the Rolaids soft chews.