Monday, April 6, 2009

School Day One

So, a chatty Milo woke up and we put him in his "school suit" and he had a good breakfast. Left the house at 8ish and got to school about 20 minutes later. We get to go through the tunnel and there is lots to see. We met up with the Esch's outside of school. Marin ran up to Milo to give him a hug. We went inside and the kids got to see their new locker. We went into the lunchroom (my favorite in the school) and they had snack: grapes and milk. Just as I started to explain to them that Milo does not drink milk - he started drinking it! And from a big boy cup. No sippy cups here! He didn't really want to eat (plus, he had just eaten breakfast) ... and was playing with this velcro food chart. Kids were starting to show up. Michele and Eric said goodbye to Marin. She said goodbye and went right back to her grapes. Milo started to realize that mommy and daddy were leaving soon and became super clingy. We walked him to the classroom where all the kids hang out before class. He slowly became hysterical. When I walked out he was crying. I was crying. I felt terrible. We went and sat outside with Michele and Eric. Everyone who came out of the school would say: one of yours is doing great (Marin) and one is not doing so great (Milo.)

It started to rain so we had to leave. I made daddy call the school at 10:30 to check on you. They said you were still pretty upset and had attached yourself to one of the teachers (Miss Marcia.) I couldn't call because I knew I would get upset.

Daddy called again around 2. They said Milo was doing well. Ate well at lunch. (Chicken and rice, green beans.) Participating in class. Didn't want to go to sleep at first, asked for mommy and daddy, but the teacher assured him everything was OK and we would be there to get him at the end of the day. Marin is telling him what to do, apparently she said: Milo stop cying and go to sleep!!

When we picked him up, he spied us through the window and his face lit up. He ran up to us and threw him arms around us. We sat for some songs and then it was playtime while the parents came to pick up the kids.

He told me, "I cried in the classroom."

Milo didn't want to leave playtime, but when we asked if he wanted to come back tomorrow he said, "I don't want it."

Later at home we kept asking him his teachers names and he would say: I don't know. But then later he would be singing: Missss Gaabbbyyyy. Miissss Cia (Marica.)

1 comment:

beth said...

oh im glad he survived. wonder what our first days were like? you should ask mom!