Friday, April 10, 2009

Bye Bye Nanny

No, the other one. The pacifier is done! No more nanny! Not at naptime, not in the car. Not in the morning, not when he gets a boo-boo. NOT AT ALL! We didn't even need to have a ceremonial pass on the pacifier party. It just kind of happened. Slowly, the nanny just came out at naptime. Or we didn't bring it in the car. When Milo started school we didn't bring one there either. Milo would ask for it at night, but usually just to hold it. And then he just sort of stopped asking for it. And as I've been seeing them around the house I'm snatching them and chucking them. And even though Willa is using a nanny (dear god, didn't we learn the first time!) ... he hasn't asked for it since. Woo-hoo!

1 comment:

beth said...

wow, thats great! im glad it happened naturally, lets see if it sticks!