Thursday, March 12, 2009

Willa @ 2 Months

Willa is now 8 weeks old! We can't believe our baby girl is so old! She has the most beautiful smile we have ever seen on a baby. She smiles with her whole face (gee, sounds like her brother.) She has gorgeous blue eyes, though we're not sure they'll stay blue. Like any good girl, she is an expert pouter. We love that bottom lip. She has conversations with us (we coo back and forth) and if you stick your tongue at her she'll return the favor.

She weighs 9 pounds and 13 1/2 ounces, which is in the 25th percentile, but at 22 1/4 inch she's 50th percentile with height (tall and skinny, not bad.) Dr. W was very impressed with Willa's focusing and head control. (That tummy time is paying off.) Willa still has red on her eyelids, but Dr. W said it's just her sensitive skin (sorry, kid) and will eventually go away. We talked about Willa not pooping, well every six days or so and all her gas! And her ugly foot. Although utterly perfect, Willa's left foot is a mess of itty bitty toes, barely there toenails and a hot mess of other things. We go in April to see a pediatric orthopedic doc at Hopkins.

She is sleeing like a champ in her co-sleeper and gets a bath at least once a week. Or when she poops. She likes to keep her fists clenched and has the hand lint to prove it. Her hair is steadily falling out.

Mommy and Willa made it 8 weeks with breastfeeding. So far, so good. She usually eats every three hours during the day and about four hours at night.

Willa loves her brother. Her face lights up, she smiles, she follows his every move. As Dr. W said, we're not her favorite people. He is.

1 comment:

beth said...

hum im going to have to inspect this hot mess of a foot she has. regardless, i cant wait to see everyone!!