Sunday, March 8, 2009

Kid Zone

On Fridays, Milo is taking a class at the gym. It's 45 minutes long and the mommies drop off the kids and have to vacate the area. There were a few tears from some kids, but Milo walked right into the room and had a ball. No, really. There were balls. Bouncy balls and basketballs. And "nu-nu's" (noodles) that he rolled around. Here's what Milo says:

Mommy: Milo, what did you do with the balls?
Milo: Catch it.
Mommy: What did you do with the noodles?
Milo: Throw it.

After the class he came running over and said: MOMMY, I DID IT! And the whole way home: I did it. He was so proud of himself. But mommy was even prouder.

1 comment:

beth said...

so fantastic, im glad he's enjoying his class. will he still be able to go once school starts?