Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Milo Getting Married?

Kirsten Sandberg Caffrey January 18 at 7:11pm

So, do you know anything about the big fairy tale weddings happening tomorrow? Kiera tells me she proposed to Milo and he said "oh yes, sure" and she is sooo excited because he is going to kiss her. (Um, excuse me?). Milo said he did not want to wait so that is why they are getting married tomorrow. And more big news, Gracie is marrying Javi, and Sara marrying Christian, Olivia marrying Brooks. And Christine is going to tell them all to kiss.

Have you heard any of this news in your house? Bob is out-of-town, but I think he is going to have to give Milo some talking to about this kissing stuff!! :-)

1 comment:

beth said...

thats so cute and pretty funny. i love how little kids come up with these things!