Friday, December 31, 2010

The Boys

We are now at almost 33 weeks ... life will never be the same in a mere 3-5 weeks. Both boys seem to be growing well. We had a sonogram on Monday and Baby A is head down and 3 pounds, 11 ounces. Baby B is breech and 4 pounds. Sometime between Wednesday night and Thursday morning one of the babies dropped and it felt like mommy had a bowling ball between her legs. Yikes. Yesterday was a very long day. Luckily, today is better and it's much better if I just sit vs. lay. It takes a lot less time to get up. Babies are still moving a lot and kicking, punching, rolling. It is getting harder to do stuff .... but as a seasoned mommy I know how quiet/mobile/manageable they are vs. when they are born. Am trying to enjoy my last few weeks being pregnant.

1 comment:

beth said...

wow they will be here so soon! enjoy the remaining days of 4!