Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bye bye ba-ba

So, yesterday we went cold turkey with Milo. No more ba-ba's (bottle) only "big boy cups." He was not as into it as we were. There have been tears and negotiations. All bottles have been sent to the babies that need them. Milo did not want to use his new special big boy Diego cup—but has been using his Elmo sippy cup. We decided it needed to be all or nothing. Three bottles or no bottles. Milo is such a big boy now that the bottle just seems silly. It's a security blanket. He is perfectly capable of drinking out of any cup. I do miss the morning snuggle in bed with Milo and bottle. However, his nanny (pacifier) is still around. One step at a time.

1 comment:

beth said...

wow im glad i got to give milo one last bottle in his room last week! wait until he sees the new baby with a bottle!