Sunday, November 9, 2008

Adventures in Babysitting

On Friday, daddy surprised mommy and said he was getting a babysitter Saturday so we could go to a movie. It was Anna's friend Carolina. She was lovely and super nice. You were a little wary at first and daddy reminded you that she was a friend of Anna and mommy reminded you that she had watched Marin. Mommy brought out a train set and you were very happy to play. When we left, you actually came to the door, waved and said, "Buh-bye mommy. Buh-bye daddy." It was wonderful. You're such a big boy now. And it was nice to see how well you did with someone other than your usual crew (Anna, grandma & poppy.) When we got home you were sound asleep. Carolina said you were a good boy. You ate your whole dinner. And wanted to hold her hand and rub her fingers (your thing) before you went to sleep ... Thank you for letting mommy & daddy have an enjoyable evening out.

1 comment:

beth said...

i'm glad you had some time off to relax. and glad milo was so agreeable!