Wednesday, July 23, 2008

From Grandma

Hi Sweetie,

We got home and the house seemed so quiet without Milo. I was taking the sheet off his crib to wash and I really missed him. I am glad I will get to see him on Saturday. He is a lot of fun-especially when he talks and says something that sounds like "giggley giggley". I don't know what he means but he seems to say it when he is happy. Otherwise I think we were able to understand whatever else he said. He has an excellent memory. He also eats quickly-now I understand why you eat after he goes to sleep. He loved driving the "car" around and playing with his toys in the pool. We love his "sound effects" for trains, cars etc. He had Sharon and I laughing at the Zoo with his "sounds". He also was quite brave and fed the animals (petting zoo) after he saw us do it. He saw the horse head on the stick in the garage and when we gave it to him, he put his leg over and starting to "ride" it. He knew right away what it was for. I looked and saw it had your name on. Anyway, we were exhausted last night, so we hope you and Ron felt rested and enjoyed Boston! Thanks for our Boston candle and the delicious little cakes.

Anyway, Milo and Finn were both great to spend the weekend with.


1 comment:

beth said...

awww so sweet! i am so jealous of his weekend with the grandparents. but i get to see the cutie a week from thursday!!