Milo is a very rambunctious toddler living in Charm City. His cast of characters include: momma, daddy, his big dog Finley and now his baby sister Willa Evie.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Winter Olympics 2022?
We went to the DBFA Ice Skating Party. You loved it so much. Days later you said, "Mommy, remember when I skated?" I was so impressed that you could balance and walk on the skates—though looking at the pictures I don't know if you actually skated. It was more of a dragging.
hey guy u getting ready for the olympics in 2028 for speed skating by the way i have a cousin who was to go to 1948 olympics (speed skating) he hurt his ankle & did not make it / so maybe u can be the first love grandpa
this looks so cute!!
hey guy u getting ready for the olympics in 2028 for speed skating
by the way i have a cousin who was to go to 1948 olympics (speed skating) he hurt his ankle & did not make it / so maybe u can be the first love grandpa
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