Friday, February 5, 2010

Room Share (From the List Serv)

Re: Advice for toddler and baby sharing a room??

Been there done/doing that. Our kids started sharing a room about 6 months ago. I wanted my room back! First, we would put the baby to sleep in our room (in a pack-n-play) since she went to bed (and still does) much earlier than her big brother. Once he was asleep (after bath, books, stories, threats, i kid) ... we would transport her into the crib. (Around 8ish.) A month or so ago I started putting her to sleep in her crib in the bedroom (she just seems to sleep better when I don't move her) and our son would do his night routine in our bed and fall asleep in there. He transport much better. And actually last night he said, "I want to go in my bed." And so we went in there. I told him a quiet story and he went to sleep. She wakes up before him in the morning, so I usually grab her and give her a bottle in our room (usually in the pack-n-play) ... a lot of times she'll fall back asleep. It's like playing chess—but seems to work for us. I'm looking forward to when they BOTH go to sleep around the same time and can whisper secrets to each other. Janelle (& roomies Milo, 3 & Willa, 1)

Re: Advice for toddler and baby sharing a room??
I don't have any advice to share as my boys gab in their room until one of them passes out ...which ironically is usually my older one...but I do have to comment on Janelle's response about whispering secrets to one of my favorite things to do is listening to them talk about what is important to them right before they go to bed. I can't tell you how wonderful it is hearing them talk to one another about life and they are only 3 and 5 :o)

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