Dear Milo - This was a big weekend for you! You are now the calm happy baby at swimming—not the "get outtt" toddler who cried the entire class. You have mastered the word "bubble." You know where mommy keeps them and you happily command me "bubble"—though you say it more like "bouble." You have been drinking your afternoon milk out of a sippy cup—though mommy and daddy are still guilty of bottles in the morning and at night. You love to have us read to you. You pick out your own books and back into our laps (my favorite part!) for a read. And I love that you don't mind reading the same books over and over and over again. You never bore of them. But the big news this weekend: You have conquered the stairs in the kitchen and your bedroom. After months of mommy showing you how to swing around and go down by yourself, this weekend you did it! You don't need us anymore to help you walk down those stairs! Mommy and daddy don't know if this is a good thing, or a bad thing. Love, Your Parents
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