Friday, March 7, 2008

Fork In the Road

Mommy has realized that the trick to getting Milo to eat sometimes is putting it on a fork. A chicken sausage that Milo has turned his nose at suddenly become a gourmet meal on a fork. Green beans? Even better when speared on a fork. Squash? Maybe not. Unless we use a fork. Mommy is trying to figure out the psychology of this. I'm sure it has to do with Milo being able to feed himself and being the one in control. (Though do not think for a second that mommy is not the one in control.) We are also working with the spoon, though the applesauce/yogurt always seems to end up on Milo's shirt. (And the floor.) And in the other food news, Milo's new love: hummus! He's living up to that Greek name.

1 comment:

beth said...

yea dinoware! i'm glad the forkarus and spoonosaurus are coming in handy!