Your one major flaw? Your skin. (Yes, inherited from mommy. Sorry.) You are so itchy and unhappy and your diaper rash makes me cringe every time I see it and I hate hate hate seeing you so miserable. So, far we've seen Dr. W three times and now a dermatologist. We go to see an allergist this week.
Your laundry list of creams we've tried include: Bactroban cream for under your neck, Ketoconazole for your face, Desonide lotion for your "hot spots" (inside your elbows, behind her neck, behind your knees), Aquaphor for around your eyes. For your diaper rash we've used Lotrimin AF, Triple Paste and most recently Nystatin ointment. You literally rips into your crotch every time I change your diaper. Sometimes you'll buck when your diaper is off trying to get to it or make it stop itching/hurting. We switched to chlorine-free diapers and wipes two weeks ago. No difference.
Your skin has flares up. You mostly gets it around your eyes, the back of your ears, your neck, your belly. You can't sleep. You just itch.
I hope you find an answer. And soon. That sounds just miserable. Wyatt just had his annual 'allergy' appointment. They don't like it (skin testing etc)-but it helps to know what to avoid. Poor baby-and I've never seen anything but a smile :)
Would changing the brand of diaper help? Julian can't wear Costco diapers. They turn his tushy bright red and it hurts him. Pampers are the only brand we use for him.
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