Wowowow. Where did the time go? Six months old? My little bugga bugga is a big girl. Literally. Today at your appointment Dr. W couldn't believe your weight gain! "Did you put rocks in her diaper?" she asked when she walked into the room.
Today you weighed 16 pounds, 12 oz. (50-75th%), height 26 inches (55-60th%) and head 42.3 cm (50th%) ...
What you are doing: Eating things like pears, sweet potatoes, carrots. Now we add other fruits and veggies, oatmeal, and yogurt! You are starting to sleep on your belly. Your brother loved to sleep on his belly with his tush up in the air. You LOVE to jump. So, now we have a jolly jumper in the bathroom doorframe. I don't think anyone has ever spent more time bouncing next to a toilet. (Maybe daddy?) You still love the office and your mat. And your new mirror. You are so in love with your brother. You've really noticed your dog. You can sit almost on your own. Dr. W was so impressed with your balancing. And you are almost on the move. Put you down on the mat and you always end up on the other side, rolled over, and facing backward. You were sleeping through the night ... but now you are not. You are now in your big girl carseat. Today. You fell asleep and were slumped and suspended ... we need to fix that. We are still breastfeeding some. (Mommy is still pumping.) And we are still warming up your bottle. You are pooping almost once a day. Almost. And maybe teeth soon.
1 comment:
willa is the happiest baby! bring the jumper to the beach, im sure we can find her a doorway, although with all the people wanting to hold her there might not be any time!
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