Thursday, January 1, 2009

Milo @ 26 months

Jim Carrey is currently in a movie called "Yes Man." Your movie would be "No Man." It is by far the most used word in your vocabulary.

Typical Conversation:
Milo: Yogurt?
Mommy: You want a yogurt?
Mommy: OK. No Yogurt.
Milo: I want yogurt!
Mommy: Milo, do you want a yogurt? Yes or no?
Milo: Yes and no.

You hate having your diaper changed. You like to poop privately—standing in the shower (with your diaper on, of course) in the corner, in my closet, in the dark.

You are not very excited about the impending arrival of your sibling.

You like planes, trains, and autos.

You like to destroy your train tracks when we build them.

You still like to read books.

You are silly and crack us up.

You like to eat your meals in the kitchen while sitting on the bar stool.

One of my favorite things you do is when you run and go, "Ahahh ya ya ha ya." It's so funny.

1 comment:

beth said...

what great descriptions!