Monday, January 19, 2009

Milo's Heaven

"My Aunt Beth" & Anna taking him for a snowy walk.

Weight Check

Willa went back to the doc today for a weight check. She gained six ounces in three days! Up to 7 pounds, 4 oz. We were all impressed. We drove home in Willa's first snow.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

From Poppy

As you all know Willa Evie was born on January 12th @ 5:08 PM The contest was for the date and the time as a tie-breaker. Marianne's brother, Alan Mandell, and family picked January 12th @ 6 PM making them the winner. Had they also picked the correct sex (they picked a boy) they would have won the all expense paid family trip to Orlando and Disneyworld. Instead they will be enjoying Dinner at Gino's in Long Beach.

Baby Pool Executive Director

Friday, January 16, 2009

Check up #1

Willa went to the doc today to have her weight checked. She was born at: 7 pounds, 8 oz. and left the hospital at 6 pounds, 15 oz. Today her weight was 6 pounds, 13 oz. We go back Monday to check again. The nurse practioner said Willa looked great. She has erythema toxicum a common newborn rash that looks like mosquito bites or hives. Its made her face red, but should go away soon. Auntie Beth came to Willa's first appointment.

Text Message from Anna

From mommy:
how is milo?

From Anna:
Sleeping like an angel : ) we had a good day. He made me really laugh today. I said "clean up" and Milo said "I go timeout" lol! it was so funny.

From mommy:
that is hilarious. we are all cracking up!

From Anna:
Lol : ) yea he was done with timeout after I cleaned up. "Anna watch Diego now."


Willa - I think it was a balmy 30 degrees on the day you were born. The rest of the week has been frigid! It was 12 degrees this morning when your brother left and it's suppose to be single digits tonight. We have been staying cozy inside—but have to venture out later today for a visit to your pediatrician.

On a Jet Plane

Auntie Beth is coming to meet her new niece today. And see her favorite nephew!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Monday Monday

So, my love, you let us know 6 AM on Monday that you were ready to enter the world. Mommy took a shower and woke up daddy. We dropped off your brother at 8:30 and kept track of mommy's contractions. We called the doc office around 10ish—mommy's contractions were every 4-5 minutes and about 45 seconds long—and they said to head into labor and delivery. We got to triage around 11 AM and they hooked mommy up and checked your heartbeat. The midwife checked mommy and I was somewhere between 5 and 6 cm. So, we were admitted to Labor & Delivery. Dr. Guidice was on call. Around 1:30 mommy got her epidural. It worked great, but made mommy very itchy! Soon grandma and poppy and Diffy arrived. Mommy had stalled out at 6cm, so Dr. G broke mommy's water. The next few hours grandma and Diff scratched mommy's legs and we waited. Around 4ish, Dr. G checked mommy again and I was fully dilated and it was just a matter of you making your move. Around 4:45 we felt like it was time. Dr. G wanted mommy to do a few practice pushes ... but after only two it was obvious we didn't need to practice—you were ready! Dr. G got into his scrubs and they got the bed ready. Daddy was at mommy's side and Diffy had the camera. Mommy pushed through two contractions ... and you were born!

I remember looking up ... and trying to see what you were! And then Dr. G said, "It's a girl." And mommy was so surprised and so happy!!!! You looked just like your brother and were super slippery. They laid you on my belly for a few minutes and it was overwhelming and beautiful ... and I really couldn't comprehend everything that was going on. It all felt so quick. They took you to the warmer to dry you off and weigh and measure you. And daddy and Diffy kept telling me how beautiful you were.

A girl! A daughter. A little sister for Milo.

Finally, they brought you back over to mommy. My girl.

Meet Willa

Willa Evie Diamond
Monday, January 12, 2009
5:08 PM
7 pounds, 7.8 oz.

Beauty Face

And Now We Are Four

Monday, January 12, 2009

6 AM

Contractions have started. Maybe we'll meet you today Baby D.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Diamond Baby Pool



9th @ 3:50 PM California Erlichmans Girl

9th @ 7:30 PM Nathansons Boy

9th @ 11:30 AM Bakers Girl

10th @ 7:30 PM Goldblatts Boy

10th @ 11 PM “The Brother” (Milo) Boy

11th @ 11:01 AM Grandma Nancy & Grandpa Larry Girl

11th @ 3:15 PM Meredith Boy

11th @ 4 PM Gandma Girl

11th @ 11 PM “The Dad” Girl

12th @ 6: 00 PM Mandells Boy

12th @ 9 PM Swyers Girl

13th @ 7:00 AM Poppy Boy

14th @ morning Uncle David Boy

15th @ Kuebbings Girl

16th @ 7 PM Aunt Beth Boy
CoCo Glenn

17th @ Ashwals Girl

One Last Weekend

Well, Baby D—as of Sunday night at 5:57 you have given us no signs as to wanting to come out. We had a nice "last" weekend. Dinner at a diner on Friday night. Saturday we spent the day out going to swimming, running errands, eating pizza and spending a few hours at the bookstore. Saturday night we had dinner with Michele & Eric and watched the Ravens win. Today we even made the trip to DC for Eli's 2nd birthday ... and a trip to our old 'hood. (Yes, we reminisced about our pre-children days.) We brought home Nam Viet for dinner. So, mommy will plan on heading to work tomorrow as you cook some more.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Boy? Girl?

Anna had a dream last night we had a (healthy) baby boy. When we ask Milo what we're having he says "grrl." And when we ask what we should name her, last night he said "mommy" and this morning he said "Chicken boy."

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

39 Weeks

Well, Baby D you seem very happy where you are. Mommy is 1 cm dialated and 75% effaced-which basically means squat. Your heartrate was 140 and Dr. G said you were 7-poundish. Our next appointment is Due Date Day ... unless you decide to come sooner.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


What you ask every night. I understand, after eight straight days of gifts it's a bit confusing why the fanfare has stopped.


Of having champagne last night. (And having a wonderful Milo-free evening: Slumdog Millionaire and gnocchi.)

4 in 2009

Despite the tax break, I really wanted Baby D to make his/her appearance in 09. And we made it. 12 days more or less to go.

Milo @ 26 months

Jim Carrey is currently in a movie called "Yes Man." Your movie would be "No Man." It is by far the most used word in your vocabulary.

Typical Conversation:
Milo: Yogurt?
Mommy: You want a yogurt?
Mommy: OK. No Yogurt.
Milo: I want yogurt!
Mommy: Milo, do you want a yogurt? Yes or no?
Milo: Yes and no.

You hate having your diaper changed. You like to poop privately—standing in the shower (with your diaper on, of course) in the corner, in my closet, in the dark.

You are not very excited about the impending arrival of your sibling.

You like planes, trains, and autos.

You like to destroy your train tracks when we build them.

You still like to read books.

You are silly and crack us up.

You like to eat your meals in the kitchen while sitting on the bar stool.

One of my favorite things you do is when you run and go, "Ahahh ya ya ha ya." It's so funny.