Ohh, my silly Willie. My ray of sunshine. My sweet, happy, mop-topped, nanny obsessed, Barbie and baby loving GIRL. You are two! And so independent. You like to scoot down the steps on your tush, you love to drink from a real cup and eat mommy's cereal/yogurt/whatever "my self." You sometimes like to sit on the potty naked. You speak so well. You can put together little sentences and really express yourself well. You love your brother (wo-wo) and your dog. You are still relatively easy to put to bed (most nights) and still take great naps. You crack yourself up. (And us too.) Your favorite word is still NO and we are getting a whiff of the Terrible 2's. Sometimes you eat great, sometimes no. You have a sweet tooth just like your brother. You love your Anna. You like to wear watches and dresses. You love "bafffths" (baths.) And playing. You adore Milo but also like to antagonize him. You heart "Ming Ming Tuck" and "moveee" (Monsters Inc.) You are the best baby girl a mommy could ever ask for. And as Milo says, we're about to be outnumbered, so we gotta stick together.