Thursday, April 29, 2010

Soccer. The End.

Tonight was the last night of soccer. You got a medal, a certificate, and adoring grins from your parents. And even though you were a pain in the butt each and every Thursday—it made me want to do it again. You like it. Even if you'll never admit it.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Today at school I ran into Kira's mom. She said that Kira says you are her boyfriend. Her mommy asked why you were her boyfriend and she said "Because he is nice to me." And apparently because you are cute too! She is super cute and always dressed to the nines. Mommy approves.

Good Things Happen in April

Eloise Lee Lafferty. Born yesterday. Your future forever friend.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Not sure if you'll remember this kind of stuff when you get older, but we will.

Could Eat You With a Spoon


You add this to the front of things when you are saying no to something or something is out of your control. Like, "SORRY mommy I don't want to put on a shirt and pants that don't make me look homeless." Or "SORRY mommy it's getting dark out and it's almost nighttime."

Mini Beckham

You are almost done with your soccer clinic. It's been interesting. You've been your usual pain in the b-u-t-t ... but it's also a little unorganized and Ms. Kay is a total Baltimore hon who I think would smoke while she taught you if the parents wouldn't go nuts. She's super sweet even if she never remembers anyones name and when you do participate you seem to like it. You like to move the ball just in front of the goal line and then kick it. And you have this hilarious wind-up that involves twisting your body and then kicking the ball, but because your body is twisted you always kick the ball at a weird angle. You are super really fast when it comes to the running and Willa likes to go and kick the ball too. Maybe swimming is your sport. You seem happy soccer is over so I think we'll take a break and try it again this fall.


Mommy came back last Sunday from a much needed weekend away and you looked icky. Your skin had broken out. Your eyes were red and puffy. Mommy thought it was an allergic reaction—but turns out it was just allergies. Pollen. By Monday your eyes were swollen shut. So, we started you on Benadryl and wet wash cloths. On Friday when we went back for your 15 month appointment Dr. W gave us a prescription for eye drops. They have helped a lot. Mommy also has had bad allergies this spring too. Including a leaky eye.


Clostridium difficile (Greek kloster (κλωστήρ), spindle, and Latin difficile,[1] difficult), also known as "CDF/cdf", or "C. diff", is a species of Gram-positive bacteria of the genus Clostridium that causes diarrhea and other intestinal disease when competing bacteria are wiped out by antibiotics.

Apparently, you have this. But you had it before your trip to the ER and the antibiotics. Maybe. Who knows. The cure? Antibiotics 4X/day for 10 days. Dr. W let us go down to 3. And after today we're done. It helped a lot. I cheered when I saw real poop. Who knew I would ever cheer about poop. (OK, see potty training.) And then we thought phew now things will get back to normal until ....

Terrible 3.5's

Terrible might not even be strong enough of a word. They suck. You whine. You fight us about everything. You don't want to do anything. And you want to do everything. We've had to start doing the 1-2-3 count again and put you in your room and take stuff away and yell. And it makes me crazy and tired and ready for 4. Maybe.

The Things You Say

MILO: I'm Willa's big brother.
MOMMY: How are you related to me?
MILO: I don't know.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Your Face Always Makes Me Smile

So Sick

Sunday (of Easter) we hit the zoo and you were not feeling great. Feverish. Not your peppy self. Fever kept going up that night until around 10ish we took it again and it said: 104.7. Mommy could not believe it. Really. It didn't seem possible—but your body was so hot. We stripped you down and put you in tub. We called the doctor's office and left a message for the on-call doc which ended up being Dr. W. She thought we should go to the ER since it was so high. So, around 10:45 mommy & Willa left for GBMC. We got there quickly (no traffic) but sat and waited for over an hour. We finally got taken back around 12:15. (Your fever was down to 102.7 by this point.) They did blood tests and a catheter. Mommy and two nurses had to hold you down. You hated it. Cried and cried. I know it didn't feel good. And you didn't feel good. And you were scared. And soooo tired. We waited another hour or so for the labs to come back. I think I fell asleep on the gurney. You fell asleep in the stroller. The doctor came in around 3 or so to say that your white blood count was slightly elevated and there was something on your cath that made them suspect it was a UTI. So, they gave you a mega dose of antibiotics through an IV. That took a while. And then we had to wait a while to make sure you didn't have a bad reaction. And then wait to be discharged. We left for home around 5 AM. We slept that morning and later you took a four hour nap and mommy took a two hour nap. We both felt pretty icky.

UPDATE: On Tuesday, Dr. W called to say it was not a UTI. The test results came back negative. We're on week 3 of diarrhea. A rash appeared on your cheeks last Saturday and got worse this week. We went back to the doc's office on Wednesday (with a stool sample) and we're waiting to hear the diagnosis. Most likely some virus. You are now fighting a cold. Poor baby girl.

Your relationship

She adores you (almost as much as the dog.) She loves your stuff—the cars, trains, swords, fire hats, camera. You don't like her touching your stuff. You don't like her following you. You don't like her taking your food. You don't like her touching you. It's gonna be a long billion years. But then you say stuff like, "Mommy, I miss Willa so much."


The Things You Say & Do

doggie (and a very peculiar bark.)
you wave and kind of say byyyeee.

you are still the happiest baby i know. you laugh and smile. and dance.

You Heart Pink Piggie

But I Never ...

You add this to the front of what you want. "But I never have dessert." Or "but I never get to play" or my favorite "but I never have water." Sometimes, it becomes "you never let me" or "I never get." Every accusation is 100% false.


... and the new one, Oliver Eli Lazarus.

Gefilte Fish & Friends


Why why why why why why why why why why why why why.

MILO: Why is that boy walking down the sidewalk with his bike?
MOMMY: Because he's going to ride his bike.
MILO: Why?
MOMMY: Because he wants to go see his friend.
MILO: Why?
MOMMY: Because his friend is helping him with his homework.
MILO: Why?
MOMMY: Because he needs extra help in math.
MILO: Why?
MOMMY: I have no idea Milo. What do you think?
MILO: Why?

Our Family


One of your first words. You love that damn dog. He likes you when you have food.

Your Family

Scooter Dreams

We promised you a scooter if you poop in the potty. We are doing better—but not 100%. Here you are channeling daddy.

Willa Walks

April 13, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010