Monday, April 27, 2009

R.I.P. Nanny

Not that I'm complaining, but I kind of feel like the passing of the pacifier was not acknowledged. One day we were all about the pacifier and the next day it was gone from our life. No more nanny. A big boy going to school and using words like "parents" and telling me that his teacher Ms. Liz "she's so funny." Yes, at 30 months it was way time for that thing to go, but it still made you my baby. Sucking on that thing. It is so who you were. In every picture, there was Milo & his nanny. Looking to it for comfort when you didn't feel good or hurt. But soon you were chewing on it more than sucking it. And it was only showing up at bedtime and naptime. And then it didn't go with you to school. And then not in the car. And soon we were coming up with excuses for it not to go bed with you. And then it was just gone. And then it made me think about when we got rid of the bottle (that was more forced, traumatic) and how stubborn you were about refusing milk after that. (Though you know drink it at school and actually had a glass with dinner the other night.) And now that the pacifier is done and the bottle, what's next? Your baby voice? The soft curls? Soon you'll be asking to borrow the car and applying for college. Sigh.


Do babies smell like Dreft or does Dreft smell like babies?

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Pretty Girls

Willa (3.5 months) & Jane (3 weeks)


The Diamond's at the zoo ...

Friday, April 24, 2009


Today Milo asked mommy to "open" his snack—in Spanish.

Twice in a Week

Willa went again on her own today! (So, that's twice, plus once with, ahhh, assistance.) Of course it was while we were eating dinner out. And it got everywhere. Mommy came out of the bathroom with Willa dressed only in her diaper. Luckily, we weren't far from home. (Mommy doesn't think Willa has ever pooped three times in one week. Ever.)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

We Heart Pear Juice

It had been since mid-March that our Willa had pooped on her own. Today she pooped. Anna sent a text message. We all rejoiced.

Miss Gabby, Milo's teacher

Mommy: Who is Ms. Gabby, Milo?
Milo: I don't know.
Mommy: Yes, you do. Who is Ms. Gabby?
Milo: The mommy of the class.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Little Willa

What Milo calls his baby sister. Sometimes he calls her cute Willa too.

School Week 3

From Judy (the mom of Milo's fellow student Karis):

wasn't crying and was smiling and eating his apple when I picked up Karis today. All the teachers were amazed that he ate the skin of the apple first and then the inside. Karis was eating her apple like watermelon, leaving the skin and just gnawing on the inside.


Janelle, saw milo this morning when i dropped off karis and he wasn't crying! woo hoo!

We're Pooped

Willa. Does. Not. Poop. Well, at least not on her own. You were very unhappy last night—and no wonder. It's been almost a week since your last poop. So, around 2 AM out came the suppository and within a few minutes all systems were go. We feel so bad for our babe—but in the middle of the night we'd sure like to be dreaming of dandelions and cotton candy, not cleaning poop off the sheets.


Tonight we had a thunder storm right when you were getting ready to go to bed. You got very quiet and mommy could tell you were a little scared. So, we went downstairs to wait it out. You kept asking about the "tunder upstairs." It was very sweet. Daddy thinks you'll start using this as an excuse not to sleep.


Not sure where you learned this word (school?), but you like to use it to your benefit:

Milo, time for bed. TOMORROW.
Let's clean up your toys. TOMORROW.


When do they teach you TODAY?

Friday, April 10, 2009

New School, new germs

Well, by Friday of the first week of school, Milo had yellow gunk coming out of his eyes and nose. Dr. W put him on amoxicillin. Lucky for us, Milo LOVES to take medicine. "My medicine mommy," he reminded us every day. It was on day 3 or 4 that mommy realized amoxicillin is suppose to be refrigerated. Ooops! A quick call to the pharmacy, we learned that aside from changing the flavor a little, it doesn't turn it into poision or anything.

Bye Bye Nanny

No, the other one. The pacifier is done! No more nanny! Not at naptime, not in the car. Not in the morning, not when he gets a boo-boo. NOT AT ALL! We didn't even need to have a ceremonial pass on the pacifier party. It just kind of happened. Slowly, the nanny just came out at naptime. Or we didn't bring it in the car. When Milo started school we didn't bring one there either. Milo would ask for it at night, but usually just to hold it. And then he just sort of stopped asking for it. And as I've been seeing them around the house I'm snatching them and chucking them. And even though Willa is using a nanny (dear god, didn't we learn the first time!) ... he hasn't asked for it since. Woo-hoo!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Baby Jane

So, what can happen in a year? Apparently Willa and Jane. Jane Catherine Dove was born yesterday, April 6th, and weighed in at a respectable 7 pounds, 13 ounces. Last year at this time, mommy was visiting Liam Kershner in the hospital. Who knows what will happen by this time next year.

School Day Two

The drop off was harder today than day one. Or so I hear. I made daddy drop you off. It was worse today because you knew what was happening. You didn't want snack. You just wanted daddy. Daddy stayed for some circle time—but finally had to pass you off to Miss. Gabby. You cried and cried. But when daddy called later they said you only cried for 10 minutes or so. You had lunch (ravioli) and snack and you played outside (which they said you really liked.) You went to sleep for naptime (unlike Marin) but woke up crying asking for mommy and daddy. They managed to soothe you back to sleep. Mommy, daddy and Willa came to get you around 4:45 and you were playing. You did not want to put the toys away or roll up your mat, and you and Marin got into a fight (like old times) and it was a meltdown after that. (You also hit daddy, which was an automatic timeout.) By the time we got outside all was forgotten.

Willa & Addison

Willa (Jan. 12th) and Addison (Feb. 25th) will begin their nanny share at the end of May!

School Pictures

From the first day of school

Monday, April 6, 2009

Rock Me Mommy

Here's how Milo tries to delay bedtime:
"Rock me mommy." So, mommy manages to rock a 30 pound kid. And puts him back in his crib.
"Rock Diego." So, mommy rocks Diego. Puts him back in the crib.
"Rock Diego." Mommy explains to Milo she already rocked Diego.
"Rock me mommy." No.
"Rock me mommy." No.
"Rock my nanny." Goodnight Milo.

Swiper No Swiping

Somehow Milo STOLE sunglasses from Gap. I had wanted to buy him new sunglasses (I'm talking to you Diego tinted glasses) but he said "to big." So, later when we were at the car we realized they were in the stroller with him! Yikes. He seems to young to be a juvenile delinquent.

Sing Song

Milo's new thing is to sing things. Like, "helloooo diapers." Basically, whatever he is saying he'll sing. ("I wannnt to brruusshhh my teeeth.") We're not sure where it came from but it's freaking adorable.

School Day One

So, a chatty Milo woke up and we put him in his "school suit" and he had a good breakfast. Left the house at 8ish and got to school about 20 minutes later. We get to go through the tunnel and there is lots to see. We met up with the Esch's outside of school. Marin ran up to Milo to give him a hug. We went inside and the kids got to see their new locker. We went into the lunchroom (my favorite in the school) and they had snack: grapes and milk. Just as I started to explain to them that Milo does not drink milk - he started drinking it! And from a big boy cup. No sippy cups here! He didn't really want to eat (plus, he had just eaten breakfast) ... and was playing with this velcro food chart. Kids were starting to show up. Michele and Eric said goodbye to Marin. She said goodbye and went right back to her grapes. Milo started to realize that mommy and daddy were leaving soon and became super clingy. We walked him to the classroom where all the kids hang out before class. He slowly became hysterical. When I walked out he was crying. I was crying. I felt terrible. We went and sat outside with Michele and Eric. Everyone who came out of the school would say: one of yours is doing great (Marin) and one is not doing so great (Milo.)

It started to rain so we had to leave. I made daddy call the school at 10:30 to check on you. They said you were still pretty upset and had attached yourself to one of the teachers (Miss Marcia.) I couldn't call because I knew I would get upset.

Daddy called again around 2. They said Milo was doing well. Ate well at lunch. (Chicken and rice, green beans.) Participating in class. Didn't want to go to sleep at first, asked for mommy and daddy, but the teacher assured him everything was OK and we would be there to get him at the end of the day. Marin is telling him what to do, apparently she said: Milo stop cying and go to sleep!!

When we picked him up, he spied us through the window and his face lit up. He ran up to us and threw him arms around us. We sat for some songs and then it was playtime while the parents came to pick up the kids.

He told me, "I cried in the classroom."

Milo didn't want to leave playtime, but when we asked if he wanted to come back tomorrow he said, "I don't want it."

Later at home we kept asking him his teachers names and he would say: I don't know. But then later he would be singing: Missss Gaabbbyyyy. Miissss Cia (Marica.)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

School Daze

Milo, I don't know who is more nervous you or mommy about starting school tomorrow. I think it's mommy since I don't think you realize what is going on. No more Anna. You are now a big boy starting big boy school. It makes me a little sad because it means you are growing up and not my little boy anymore. I'm worried how you will adapt to all the changes. You are not the most easy going kid ... but I think you will love it eventually. I just hope you don't become the first kid to be kicked out of Montessori school. You have one thing going for you: new shoes. We got them tonight at the mall. Another pair of velcro Converse sneakers. Because sometimes you don't need change.


Milo has two different kinds of diapers - the ones he wears overnight and the one he wears during the day. He calls them: "Mickey goodnight diaper" and "hello diaper."

Saturday, April 4, 2009


2:56 PM: 1/2 suppository
2:58 PM: Poop!

She works fast.

Friday, April 3, 2009


"Snuggle me Marin."

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Ohh, how Milo loves you. With "dippy" sauce.


... is Anna's final day with Milo & Marin. I'm so sad.


One night in Austin, while mommy was putting Milo to bed, and yes, I fell asleep twice during the week while putting him to sleep and woke up hours later—one more reason to keep him in his crib—he touched my face and said out of the blue: I love you mommy.

Austin Week, Part Three

Austin Week, Part Two

Mommy didn't want to leave.

Poop X2

Not sure if it was the joy of being in such a great city or all the coffee mommy was drinking, but Willa pooped not once but TWICE in Austin. But now it's been a week. Sigh.

Baby Naming

On Sunday, March 29th we had a baby naming for Willa Evie. She received the Hebrew name Nechama which means comfort, after her great-grandmother Nettie Diamond. It was a super lovely day, surrounded by friends and family. It turned into a beautiful sunny day and the replacement rabbi was wonderful. We are so lucky.

Baltimore, By Air

Flying home was much better. We had Aunt Beth along with us this time. Milo napped. The DVD player worked. (Though Milo didn't watch it very long.) Willa slept most of the trip. And Milo finished the Dora snacks.