Monday, August 18, 2008

Milo's World

You love possessives. You say: Anna's juice. Mama's phone. Daddy's shoes. You are starting to put together sentences, also, like: I WANT MOMMY. (That one is a real tear-jerker. Thanks.)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Phelps Phan?

Last night, before Michael Phelps last swim of the Olympics (ultimately, his eighth gold medal), Baby D 2 gave me his/her biggest kick so far. A future swimmer? Or just a big fan?

Friday, August 15, 2008

Big Brain/Big Tantrum

You are now almost 22 months old and I'm amazed at your brain capacity. You can say A-B-C-D in the sweetest voice. Sometimes you say the letters in your name, but mostly when I ask your name you say, "Asha-Anna." You love your transportation book and correctly point out each one fire engine - boat - plane - garbage truck. Saying "no" until you get to the correct vehicle and then making the appropriate sound.

This morning you kind of lost your marbles. You INSISTED on eating your yogurt "by self" so I took off your shirt so we wouldn't need an outfit change before 8 AM and you LOST IT. Crying, screaming, throwing. It was both amusing and sad all rolled into one. So, of course when I tried to put your shirt back on your little body you tantrumed even more. You followed me into the kitchen with your unbuttoned shirt and fist full of yogurt. Looking pathetic and slightly homeless.

You were quickly sedated with your nana (pacifier) and some Cheerios.

It's funny what sets you off.

One Tired Mama

On Wednesday night with daddy in Toronto and mommy exhausted (work, tot lot, Olympics), I was giving you your nightly ba-ba on the couch around 7:30 and next thing I know you're patting me on the arm, "Mama? Mama?" Seems I fell asleep, little man. Good thing you were there to take care of me.

Monday, August 11, 2008

5 Months (18 weeks)

Well, mommy has officially popped. Which is a good thing because she looks more pregnant and less bloated than the previous months.

Night Night

This is your new game. You lay down and say "night night" and we cover you with the appointed blanket. (Last night it was a burp cloth you had found in the drawer.) You like to lay on the rug in your room, on the stoop outside our house and even on the stairs leading up to the Nathanson's patio. If no one is paying attention you say "night night NIGHT NIGHT NIGGHHHHTTTT NIGGGHHTTTT" until we notice.