Wednesday, July 30, 2008
16 Weeks
Well, other Baby D, we heard your rapid heartbeat yesterday at the doctor's office. It took her a few minutes because you were moving around so much. Mommy and daddy have felt you moving around a little bit - kind of like a little fish swimming around. And last night mommy got a foot cramp - just like the old days. I can't believe it's already been/only been 16 weeks.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Blues Brothers
One of the great things Milo scored at the wedding (see below) was a harmonica. I'm not sure if he gets greater joy out of "playing" it or watching his daddy play it. Tonight, in between his ba ba, he blew a few notes and then handed me the soggy instrument and said, "Ma ma." So, I played a milky tune.
Babies + Weddings = Disaster
Susan Fahey was nice enough to invite Milo to her wedding. And her mother-in-law had a whole table FILLED with toys for the kids. But our toddler is not the sit quiet type. We were at a table where Milo was the sole kid. He kept handing his toys to one girl - so we placed him between us. Then he took his new ball and chucked it at the centerpiece where it then sent a glass of champagne tumbling into said girl's lap and camera. The bride looked lovely.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
From Grandma
Hi Sweetie,
We got home and the house seemed so quiet without Milo. I was taking the sheet off his crib to wash and I really missed him. I am glad I will get to see him on Saturday. He is a lot of fun-especially when he talks and says something that sounds like "giggley giggley". I don't know what he means but he seems to say it when he is happy. Otherwise I think we were able to understand whatever else he said. He has an excellent memory. He also eats quickly-now I understand why you eat after he goes to sleep. He loved driving the "car" around and playing with his toys in the pool. We love his "sound effects" for trains, cars etc. He had Sharon and I laughing at the Zoo with his "sounds". He also was quite brave and fed the animals (petting zoo) after he saw us do it. He saw the horse head on the stick in the garage and when we gave it to him, he put his leg over and starting to "ride" it. He knew right away what it was for. I looked and saw it had your name on. Anyway, we were exhausted last night, so we hope you and Ron felt rested and enjoyed Boston! Thanks for our Boston candle and the delicious little cakes.
Anyway, Milo and Finn were both great to spend the weekend with.
We got home and the house seemed so quiet without Milo. I was taking the sheet off his crib to wash and I really missed him. I am glad I will get to see him on Saturday. He is a lot of fun-especially when he talks and says something that sounds like "giggley giggley". I don't know what he means but he seems to say it when he is happy. Otherwise I think we were able to understand whatever else he said. He has an excellent memory. He also eats quickly-now I understand why you eat after he goes to sleep. He loved driving the "car" around and playing with his toys in the pool. We love his "sound effects" for trains, cars etc. He had Sharon and I laughing at the Zoo with his "sounds". He also was quite brave and fed the animals (petting zoo) after he saw us do it. He saw the horse head on the stick in the garage and when we gave it to him, he put his leg over and starting to "ride" it. He knew right away what it was for. I looked and saw it had your name on. Anyway, we were exhausted last night, so we hope you and Ron felt rested and enjoyed Boston! Thanks for our Boston candle and the delicious little cakes.
Anyway, Milo and Finn were both great to spend the weekend with.
Friday, July 18, 2008
The Drop Off
Well, you did fine. It was mommy that was a mess. I cried from the moment we pulled up - and all the way home. You marched right into that house and dug into the toys. While mommy (crying) unpacked your clothes and wrote down your schedule you had grandma reading you books and grandpa chasing you around. When it was time for mommy to leave you could barely muster a kiss. "Bye bye momma," you said as though you couldn't believe I WAS STILL THERE. Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy you are so comfortable with grandma and poppy. I'm worried for me. See you Sunday bunny.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Witching Hour
Yours happens to be post-nanny, pre-bath. Right around dinner time. You tantrum and fit and want "juuuiiiicceeeee" and nothing else. You throw stuff and rip up napkins. Not even ketchup makes you happy.
Our Weekend Plans
Meesh - This weekend mommy and daddy are going to Bean Town and leaving you with grandma and poppy. For the first time. Mommy knows you'll have a great time. But she gets a little upset when she thinks about not getting to kiss you at night. (Though she also gets happy when she thinks about sleeping in.) It's only three nights. We'll both survive. But will grandma and poppy?
... our little boy is becoming a big brother
WHEN: January 2009
WHAT: Don't know. And won't find out.
WHO: Our little Diamond is roughly the size of a lemon—weighing about 1 1/2 ounces. (How can something so small cause so much heartburn??) We're hoping for Round 2 of Milo's fat cheeks and fat curls.
THE REST: We're in our fourth month. The maternity clothes have come out. And January still seems very far away.
More Mo
So, now at 20 months (El)Mo has become "Moshe" (Jewish Elmo?) and you must have all three in bed with you at night. They include little Elmo (from Paula and David), speaking Elmo (from Aunt Gail) and puppet Elmo (from grandma and poppy.) You are in love.
You love it. And everything goes into it. Blueberries. Chicken nuggets. Meatloaf. And tonight a blue chip with hummus.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Flower Power

Your new word: Flower. Which is a mighty impressive word. You have also taken to calling Anna "Asha" which would be cute if it wasn't a fellow nanny's name. (A nanny who happens to date Anna's brother. And who you happen to know because she nannies for your pal Baylor.) I tell Anna you mean Anna and not Asha, it just comes out Asha, but you should work on that. And speaking of Anna, she has taught you—in Polish!!!—the words for head, eyes, nose, mouth, etc. And you not only understand what she is saying and point to the corresponding body part, but you can say them too. Brilliant.
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